Phase 2 Week 2

Phase 2 Week 2

As we enter the second week of Phase 2 training we are adding more solo jiu jitsu classes for kids and adults in addition to what we started with.

As a reminder, here are the precaution we are required to take:  

  1. Limit class size to 5 per instructor
  2. Total occupancy is limited to 30 people
  3. Upon entry temperature will be checked - it must be under 99.5 degrees
  4. Hands must be washed or sanitized upon entry
  5. Maintain Social Distancing guidelines at all times
  6. Mats and equipment are cleaned after every class

Be sure to sign up below - and please email if you can’t make it to a class you’ve registered for. Capacity is limited and we want to ensure everyone has an opportunity to train. 

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